coaching you from

confusion & exhaustion
to clarity & empowerment

And a lot more money.

You deserve a beautiful, abundant life.


Giving you the confidence and strategies you need to radically increase your income, your impact and your wellbeing.

 Make 2024 the year you excavate to elevate, for an easier and happier life. With the most approachable yet effective coach you could hope to find

 Make 2024 the year you excavate to elevate, for an easier and happier life. With the most approachable yet effective coach you could hope to find ◦

Are you tired of the carbon-copy world of personal development and productivity?

Of being told that a 5am wake up time and making to do lists is going to solve all your worries?

Or do you feel like you’ve taken on all the practical advice and plundered all the resources you could ever need, but somehow you (or the subconscious you) are still holding yourself back from achieving the life and income you want?

Hi my love!
I’m so glad you found me!

If you‘re like me

you’ve spent a significant amount of time and money on courses, containers, masterminds and workbooks, all promising that they’ve got the answer you’re looking for.
Turns out they didn’t!

You’ve probably also given therapy a good go, got the t-shirt, and you’re still not getting out of your own way and making the progress you desire so badly. 

OR you’re hitting the numbers targets but you’ve become a shell of your former self while trying. And quite frankly, you know you could still make a lot more.


So, what’s missing?


Are you just irrevocably broken and un-help-able?


You already know the answer to that, but let me be the one to remind you: that’s very unlikely. 

Ever noticed the cavernous gap between traditional, cold business coaching and backwards looking therapy sessions? The coach wants you to “ditch your limiting beliefs” and “expand you offer suite”, while the therapist is only interested in dredging up ancient history and talking endlessly about your feelings of stuck-ness without actually providing any answers.

No one seems to want to join the dots between the things you’ve been through that made you the way you are today and the strategies with which you’re running your business. 

No one’s got the skills and the experience to take both into account at the same time and find solutions.

Of course, it’s all well and good to work with different people with different areas of expertise, but you end up explaining the same problems again and again, never following the threads from one end to the other.

And so the tight, tangled knots remain in place, tying you down and leading you in circles.

The endless self-analysis of it all is draining, and the never ending stresses and strains create a constant sense of exhaustion that makes it so much harder to do the things you know you need to do to make a change.

The secret sauce is a coaching approach that operates in the space where personal meets professional.

Where human being meets business brilliance.

The thing is, businesses are made of people, and people are personal.
That makes business personal.

Your career or business didn’t come out of a vacuum!

  • Your beliefs 🌟 Your dreams 🌟 Your doubts 🌟 Your skills 🌟 Your fears 🌟 Your goals

    Not only is taking care of your body, heart and mind the absolute LIFEBLOOD of your business success, it’s also a big strategic advantage to make your business work with you, not against you. 

    Breaking glass ceilings and innovating can also get incredibly lonely, particularly when you don’t have an infrastructure of relationships around you with people at the same stage of business (which most people don’t). 

    It’s a constant guessing game, where you’re relying on your gut instincts to guide you. 

    The problem is, if you’re overstretched and struggling to gain clarity, you just don’t have the capacity to be creative and properly assess risk and reward.

 This is where I come in. (Woohoo!)


It’s time

💚 It’s time you stopped overpaying and overexplaining what you need to disparate “experts” who would rather “let you work it out for yourself” than give you the answers you need.

💚 It’s time you booted the needle a few feet instead of one degree at a time. Because who has the time and patience for 180 tiny shifts? Certainly not me. 

💚 It’s time for you to find both ends of that thread and pull it damn straight, so you can actually get where you want to go with ease and joy instead of a fight.

 So where does the secret sauce come from?

Why should you spend a few hours of your one wild and precious life with me?

Hello there!

I'm Hannah, your coach, confidante, and a testament to the extraordinary power of ambition, resilience and out-of-the-box thinking. 

My journey to peace and prosperity began in a very different place. I grew up in rural Scotland with narcissistic parents, suffering from undiagnosed ADHD.

From choosing to ex-communicate my abusive family members to navigating a diverse career and learning to cope with my neurodivergence in a neurotypical world, I’ve experienced my fair share of life’s curveballs. 


I’ve also had a pretty wild and varied working life, doing everything from ushering at the Edinburgh Fringe festival and office management to producing shows at the London Palladium and assisting the Scottish Government with the national COVID vaccine roll-out. So whatever stage you’re at in your professional development, I really have been where you are.

After all that, I started my own business, raised investment for a portfolio of commercial productions and qualified as a coach to help others by really digging into my favourite topics: people and problem solving.

My coaching philosophy is rooted in a deep love for guiding people like you to joy and empowerment, choosing the path of least resistance and achieving more than you ever thought possible.

My core values are kindness, competence and vision. My dedication to self-compassion, general badass-ery and finding humour, no matter how dark things may feel, is what makes my coaching approach really unique.

Some people have called my approach BUSINESS THERAPY

There really is nothing else like it.

Whether you’re in stilettos and espresso martini mode or red wine on the sofa mode, I’m ready to meet you where you’re at and change your goddamn life. Name the time and place, I’ll be there.

The question is, are you ready?

When I say I’ve been where you are, I really mean it.

And now, I’m here to give you everything I have so you can create the life and business you dreamed of when you started out…

In fact, screw that, a life and business beyond your wildest dreams!

Because I absolutely mean this: if I can do it, you absolutely can too.

  • Lily was turning 30, trying valiantly to begin married life while plagued with impending burnout from running a fast-paced business alone.

    As she embarked on her honeymoon, the stress of work she was leaving behind brought her to tears. It had even stifled her menstrual cycle – important, because she knew she wanted to try for a baby in the near future.

    That’s when she emailed me: “Hannah, I need your help.”

    Together, we revamped Lily’s client list, putting scalable offers in place and attracting three new £500k clients – a significant leap from a previous high of £200k. 

    We also worked on her delegation, communication and boundaries, allowing her to slash her weekly hours by over half and bring in extra help (at no extra cost!)

    The result? Not just an income boom but a total transformation in Lily’s well-being and excitement for the future.

    Suddenly, there was room for creativity and imagination. The stress and fear dissolved. Her menstrual cycle returned to normal.

So, my lovely…

If Lily and so many others like her can do it, so can you.

The to do list is only one line long. It’s time to use your phone a friend option and book a call with me.


The right package for you depends on where you’re at in your business journey


So why is combined personal and business coaching so important? Give me the stats!!

Put it this way – if you were stuck on a desert island, would you want to choose just one piece of equipment to take with you? Or a 32-piece Swiss army knife? I know what I’d want.

When you work with me, you get a friend, a counsellor and badass business strategist all rolled into one. I’m not coming to the desert island with you because I don’t like hot weather, but that’s not the point of that metaphor.


  • Holistic Growth: Clients appreciate the holistic development that dual coaching provides. A report by the International Coach Federation found that 80% of clients reported improved self-confidence and 70% reported enhanced relationships, indicating a broad impact beyond just their professional goals.

    Increased Productivity: According to a survey of 100 executives at Fortune 1000 companies by Manchester, Inc., businesses that invest in multi-faceted coaching experience an average ROI of 5.7 times the initial investment. Participants reported improvements in productivity, working relationships, job satisfaction and conflict reduction.

    Better Work-Life Balance: A study published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior found that people with better work-life balance show higher job satisfaction and lower stress levels.

    Career Advancement: The Harvard Business Review reports that holistic coaching positively impacts career advancement, with about 80% of companies using coaching for career development.

    Entrepreneurial Success: Entrepreneurs benefit significantly from a dual coaching approach. The International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring reported that coaching of this kind positively influences entrepreneurial success by fostering strategic thinking and adaptability.

Basically, your life and business is about to get a whole lot more fun and a whole lot less exhausting with me in your corner.

  • Inner Calm

    With my handheld support and guidance, you’ll establish boundaries, manage time more efficiently, and reduce stress. You’ll feel the weight of the world lift from your shoulders and finally get your energy and excitement back!

    Crystal Clarity

    Together we’ll re-establish your goals, giving you powerful understanding and laser focus on what to do and when, to get what you really want in your life and career.

    Cast-Iron Strategic Support & Advice

    A second pair of experienced eyes on your sales funnel, marketing strategies, presentations, software and business tools and much more! We’ll make sure the systems and scaffolds of your business are absolutely solid so everything runs like a well oiled machine!

    Boost Professional Growth and Fulfilment

    You’ll uncover and address limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviours and mindset barriers that are stifling your professional growth and satisfaction.

    Build Meaningful Relationships

    Develop stronger communication and relational skills so you can building meaningful connections and support networks in both personal and professional spheres.

    Additional Resources And Recommendations

    Access to any of my own documents, templates, systems and tailored recommendations of literature and resources to enhance your development and support your personal and professional growth.

 Happy Clients Alert!

  • "Hannah is an inspiring and knowledgeable resource with an eye for transcending limiting beliefs to secure funding and advocate for artistic merit and the joy of making creative work."

    Will, Film Director, 29, UK

  • "Hannah has a very flexible approach without ever losing sight of the priorities. I never have to spend ages trying to explain why something is important to me, and I always leave sessions feeling less overwhelmed and having a clearer state of mind."

    Ben, Educator, 21, UK

  • "I got given a huge amount of detail and practical advice. Hannah is very knowledgeable and willing to share. I feel more confident and informed moving forward in my business journey."

    Amber, Writer, 28, UK

  • 🌍 You’re ambitious, determined and have a fire in your belly to build something extraordinary

    🌊 You’re open to putting everything on the table and finding new perspectives on old issues

    🌿 You’re anywhere on your business journey, from self-employment to executive level

    🏔️ You’d like to partner with a coach as equals, working together to achieve the life and business you most desire

  • 🫣 You don’t like it when people really listen to you with empathy and understanding

    🤐 You don’t like to laugh

    🥵 You don’t want an easier life

    🥱 You don’t like money and certainly don’t want to make any more of it

I’m going to be really honest with you here. Right now you have three choices.

1. Stay Where You Are

Tell yourself again and again that you shouldn’t need outside help, this is just life, right? Everyone feels like this. Continue feeling exhausted, cloudy about the best decisions to make next in your business and incredibly isolated.

2. Figure It Out Yourself

Spend ginormous amounts of time and money trying to improve things by yourself: self-paced productivity courses, expensive softwares, audiobooks, high performance podcasts, and other generalised self help materials that just give you more things to add to your list without lifting any of the weight or really making a difference.

3. Ask for help

Do the efficient thing and get a specialist in who can give you the map and the answers you’re looking for, without the trial and error. Invest in your future self and the extraordinary impact she will make, if you give her the support and foundations she needs to build upon.

Personally, I love a shortcut. I know what I’d do.

It’s up to you.