Genuine Conversations.
Real, Tangible Solutions.

Babes, you are a superstar.

I know we’re here to talk about the things you need help with but let’s take a minute to acknowledge everything you’ve achieved!

You’ve come so far. You’ve conquered so much. You’ve been so brave.

It’s my absolute privilege to work with powerhouses like you; taking all the seeds you’ve sown and clearing out the weeds so you can really ENJOY the abundance of it all!

I know what you’re thinking.

Hannah, I know how hard I’ve worked, trust me. But I’m absolutely fucking KNACKERED and there’s still SO FAR TO GO!

I’ve done all this work to try to build the life I want and I’m grateful, but I’m also overwhelmed and a little bit lost. I thought success was meant to feel more… fun than this?

BUSINESS Coaching With Hannah Crawford Has Entered The Chat

It’s me! You’re new, not-so-silent business partner!

Ok, ok, not technically legally. But for the purposes of your coming transformation, I’m your right-hand woman.

Let me guess. You’re at that stage of business where the train is chugging along nicely, but you’re still stuck at the front shovelling coal like your life depends on it while everyone else sits in a comfy carriage, taking in the view?

Yeah. That’s about to change.

Put down the shovel, I’ll put the kettle on. Time for us to have a chat.

 As always, this is personal.

The truth is, the biggest challenges you’re facing right now are nothing to do with your intellectual aptitude or your ability to complete a to-do list. 

They’re coming from the mental blocks and sabotages you’re still exhibiting, probably unconsciously, and they’re cluttering up the stunning path you’re charting for yourself.

It may even be that you’ve had coaching or therapy before and you’re aware of the personal stuff that’s impacting your burgeoning empire. However, as my favourite comedian Daniel Sloss once said, “self-awareness is half the battle, but not the half that matters.

You can be as aware as you like about the things you’re struggling with, but awareness on its own is not a magic wand. It’s time you outsourced the implementation of that awareness to someone who can switch the lights on in an hour’s call, not leave you in the dark, stumbling blindly and repeatedly into the same roadblocks for the next 18 months.
Hell, the next 10 years!


The thing is, most people never make it to your stage in business.

I dearly hope you have gorgeous, supporting family and friends in your life. But even if you do, I’m pretty certain none of them really understand everything about what you’re going through. I’m even more certain that none of them have the time and tools to listen fully to everything that’s going on and actually provide solutions.

Let’s be honest, running a business can be incredibly lonely. The buck stops with you and everyone around you knows it. It’s vital that you have a space you can retreat to, where the time is completely yours and you can get the answers and direction you really need; whether it’s about a problem with the kids’ school, an impossible client causing hassle or an impending contract negotiation.

Ok Hannah, I get it. I need your help.
But give me some tangible things we might actually cover in a session.

 I got you.

Here’s a handy, non-exhaustive list I prepared earlier:

  • What’s the chances you still have far too many client enquiries coming directly to you, and it takes up far too much of your time? Let’s look at your client pathway, automate and create scalable resources that still serve everyone without enveloping your personal calendar.

  • What if I told you the problem wasn’t sending a to-do list to someone, but all the other mindset stuff hiding behind that action? We can gather the right data and reduce the self-sabotages preventing you from asking others to do their part, leaning on them for support or protecting your own time.

  • “Dissolve” is my favourite word for this. Through open, powerful conversations, we’ll uncover the beliefs you didn’t know you still had, give your brain the tools and knowledge it needs to dismantle them and watch them melt away. No voodoo, I promise, just deep listening and accountability.

  • Not sure we should even call this a “syndrome” because it’s so universal, but it’s high time we turned this beast into an occasional quirk and not a dragon you’ve gotta slay every damn day. For this particular magic, we’ll be taking my soon-to-be-trademarked approach: Harnessing The Power Of Dave. You’ll have to come and chat to me if you want to know what on earth that means 😉

  • Whether you currently have the means to hire new team members or you’re holding tight to the purse strings, we’ll strategise ways you can bring in more support and reduce the time pressure on you to keep everything in your business moving forward.

  • We’ll do a deep dive into the nuts and bolts of your business, identifying what’s working well, what needs to go and what needs tightened up or better utilised to give you more value.

  • It’s time to look back at what you actually wanted for and out of this business and put you back on the path to achieving it. We’ll do the same with your personal goals, making sure that your thriving business isn’t coming at the cost of your joy and precious time with the people you love.

  • We’ll devise ways you can work with your spicy brain instead of against it, learning to accept the things you can’t change and finding new hope and approaches for the things you can.

  • Consider me your own personal librarian. The information and voices you surround yourself with are so important – I’ll recommend brilliant educators, books, podcasts, courses or tools that will enrich and expand your mindset and your life to support our work together.

  • This is my zoooooone of genius right here. However far you progress through life, there will always be problematic people. I’ll provide a safe and constructive place for you to bring frustrations, anxieties and fears about difficult relationships and conversations so you can leave armed and ready to tackle all of them with love, confidence and clarity.

 "I reached out to Hannah for some guidance as I am a self-employed Financial Adviser and needed help growing my business in the most sustainable way. I was on the edge of burnout due to working too many hours. Working with Hannah has been a game changer! Thanks to Hannah’s advice and our coaching sessions, I have implemented boundaries, found more efficient ways to scale my business and learnt to lean on people and resources to help. Most importantly, Hannah has reminded me of to focus on my wellbeing as a priority as my business growth relies on this. I wanted to work with a Business Coach who recognises the importance of personal goals and development alongside business growth. Hannah helps me combine all aspects of my life together to find the best solution. I couldn’t recommend Hannah more highly!"


In A Nutshell, business Coaching With Me Will Bring You:


Strategic Business Solutions

The swift, precise answers you need to solve the most pressing challenges in your business right now

Personal and Professional Alignment

Connect the dots between your personal and professional personas, alleviating blocks and limiting beliefs that stand between you and the life you desire.

Prosperous Money Mindset 

Uncover the stories about money and wealth rooted in your childhood, paving the way for financial abundance and facilitating the powerful and abundant leadership you’re capable of.

Personal Development Resources 

Tailored recommendations and resources for continuous personal development. 

From books and podcasts to specialized courses and service providers, empower yourself to grow beyond our coaching sessions.

Fulfilling and Tangible Goals

Get back in touch with the dreams and goals you had when you began your business journey, charting a clear and motivating path toward them.

 A New Era Is Coming. Match Your Ambition With Action Today.